Sustainable Health: Balancing Individual, Community, and Environmental Well-being

This textbook utilizes systems theory to explore sustainable life practices that create optimal well-being, social equality, and environmental renewal. Health is re-defined as a balanced use of life resources. Seven life resources (physical, ecological, modified, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual) are explored through three levels (external, social, and internal) of interaction. The book outlines practical skills in healthy lifestyle design, stress reduction, and self-care practices that promote optimal health and well-being and social, emotional, and ecological intelligence. This text explores common principles that guide all living systems and how to use these tools to bring balance to food systems, social systems, biological systems, etc. and deepen their knowledge in order to understand the root cause of dis-ease. Readers learn about how conscious consumption can bring balance to our environmental system and current health care practices. Further, the text explores models of social activism and community-building that lead to truly integrative health.


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